Feb 14, 2014
Founder Institute: Branding & Marketing
How do you establish yourself as an expert in your field? What tools are used to follow important news and narratives? How do you identify and create industry narratives of your own? How do you identify and connect with influencers and journalists? What infrastructure do you need to be influential? How do you create content that attracts readers and commentary? How do you grow your influence in a market over time?
TOPIC: Branding & MarketingSPEAKERS:1. Hermawan Kartajaya, pakar marketing Indonesia2. Sakti Makki, pakar branding3. Denny Santoso, digital stategist
Here are some photos from the exciting “Branding & Marketing”
About Founder Institute Jakarta
JKTFI aims to improve the rate of startup success by providing potential entrepreneurs with mentor support, critical objective feedback & peer support.