AsaRen is the “digital biobank” for Indonesia and SEA with a focus on DNA data acquisition and interpretation through affordable test kits. AsaRen provides accurate information on the SEA population's predisposition to disease, character and personality traits.
Despite a population of over 685 million in Southeast Asia, it lags behind in digital biobank technology and DNA data foundation, impeding healthcare advancements. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health, over 70% of preventable diseases that lead to deaths in Indonesia can be detected through DNA analysis, yet the country's healthcare budget allocates 17% towards prevention efforts.
Asa Ren is actively leveraging the vast potential of data collection and genetic testing from both healthy and confirmed diagnostic populations. The platform powers the company’s data and innovation group to be an integral part of the pharmaceutical industry’s R&D and innovation arm – focused on human genetics across a spectrum of disease areas.